About Us

We are a young group of engineers and highly interested in Renewable Sources of Power Generation. As you know the Electricity is big issue of world.

Surya Star Solar Power System was born out of compassion for green and clean environment and the zeal to find solutions for power crisis in the India for an overall development of rural community too.

The demand for energy is rising with the rapidly increasing Indian population. Moreover, most of the rural belts of India have inadequate, minimal or no electricity, which is a vital ingredient in the development of any country.

We are focusing on solar energy, one of the best options in green solar renewable energy, to provide sustainable and economical power supply too.

Company Profile

We are a leading professional services company in India. It is actively involved in providing the techo-commercial services in the energy sector. Working in close association with the clients, Projects are realized from the concept to commissioning.

With its continuous efforts towards excellence and assisted by highly proficient team Surya Star Solar Power become pioneer in providing consultancy services in the areas of renewable energy, Energy efficiency and clean development mechanism.